Friday 16 October 2015

Curiouser and curiouser

Whilst watching some nearby elephants queuing to quench their thirst, I was pleasantly surprised when this jackal elected to share the same shady tree that I had chosen as protection from the 40+ degree heat. Although jackals are curious by nature, they are often wary of a vehicle getting really close, so I thought I would take advantage of the opportunity of this apparent desire for proximity. Gingerly opening my door I slowly extricated myself from my vehicle and lay down on the floor, only moving once I was convinced the jackal was relaxed with my new position. After 10 minutes I had crawled almost close enough to touch. In fact my only problem was that he was too relaxed! I ideally wanted him to be standing up looking down on me rather than snoozing at the same level as me. Eventually when half my body had gone to sleep, he got up and trotted off to a nearby carcass for a mid-afternoon snack, giving me this cursory glance before he disappeared.

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